postpartum, new baby, birth options, birth, labour, breastfeeding Rebecca Verlander postpartum, new baby, birth options, birth, labour, breastfeeding Rebecca Verlander

Why you might be sabotaging your birth

Birth is a profoundly personal experience, yet it's often clouded by external expectations and pressures. Many people find themselves agreeing to things they don't want, driven by a lack of confidence or a desire to please others. This can lead to a birth experience that feels disempowering and far from what they truly desired. Learn how you might be sabotaging your birth .

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postpartum, new baby, birth options, birth, labour, breastfeeding Rebecca Verlander postpartum, new baby, birth options, birth, labour, breastfeeding Rebecca Verlander

Simple Guide to Relactation

Relactation is a remarkable process that allows you to resume breastfeeding after having stopped for a period. Whether due to personal choice, medical reasons, or separation from the baby, relactation can be a fulfilling journey back to nursing.

What is Relactation?

Relactation is the act of stimulating your body to produce breast milk again after having weaned your baby or after a period of not breastfeeding. It's a natural way to re-establish the breastfeeding relationship and can be achieved regardless of how long it's been since you last nursed.

Why Consider Relactation?

You may choose to relactate for various reasons:

- A desire to reconnect with the breastfeeding experience.

- Health benefits for the baby, such as the immune-boosting properties of breast milk.

- Changes in circumstances, such as returning from work or resolving initial breastfeeding challenges.

The Journey of Relactation

- Stimulation: The key to relactation is frequent breast stimulation, either through pumping or direct nursing, to signal your body to produce milk.

- Support: Engage with lactation consultants who can provide personalised plans and encouragement.

- Supplementation: Initially, you may need to supplement with formula or previously pumped milk until your supply is re-established.

- Patience: Relactation takes time, and progress can vary from one person to another.

Success Stories and Tips

Many have successfully relactated, sharing stories of triumph and the deepened bond with their babies. Tips from these experiences include:

- Consistency: Regular pumping or nursing sessions are crucial.

- Nutrition: A well-balanced diet and hydration support milk production.

- Community: Connecting with other mothers on the same journey can offer invaluable support and motivation.

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Is cord blood banking worth it?

As you prepare for the arrival of your little one, you may encounter the option of cord blood banking. This process involves collecting the blood left in your newborn's umbilical cord and placenta and storing it for future medical use. But is it worth it?

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postpartum, new baby, birth options, birth, labour, breastfeeding Rebecca Verlander postpartum, new baby, birth options, birth, labour, breastfeeding Rebecca Verlander

Staying Positive When You are ‘Overdue’

As a doula, I’ve witnessed the emotional rollercoaster that comes with being ‘overdue’. The anticipation, the waiting, and sometimes the frustration—it’s all part of the journey. But fear not! Here are some tips to help you stay positive during this waiting game

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postpartum, new baby, birth options, birth, labour, breastfeeding Rebecca Verlander postpartum, new baby, birth options, birth, labour, breastfeeding Rebecca Verlander

Breastfeeding After Breast Augmentation

Breast enlargement (augmentation) can be a transformative journey, and for many people, the desire to breastfeed remains an essential part of their post-surgery experience. Let’s explore the delicate balance between breast implants and breastfeeding, empowering you with knowledge and practical tips.

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postpartum, new baby, birth options, birth, labour Rebecca Verlander postpartum, new baby, birth options, birth, labour Rebecca Verlander

Using a Comb During Labour

Labour can sometimes be an intense experience, but there are natural methods that can help manage discomfort. One surprising yet effective technique is acupressure, which involves applying pressure to specific points on the body. Let’s delve into how using an acupressure comb during labour can provide relief and empower you during childbirth.

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postpartum, new baby Rebecca Verlander postpartum, new baby Rebecca Verlander

Preparing for Postpartum

Preparing for postpartum is a crucial aspect of pregnancy that often doesn’t receive enough attention. As an IBCLC and Doula, I emphasise not only getting ready for birth but also ensuring you’re well-prepared for the postpartum period.

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pregnancy Rebecca Verlander pregnancy Rebecca Verlander

Tips for Safe Travel During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative time, but it doesn’t mean you have to stay home! With some careful planning and consideration, you can enjoy safe travel during pregnancy. Here are essential tips to keep in mind:

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pregnancy Rebecca Verlander pregnancy Rebecca Verlander

Prenatal Yoga Benefits and Poses

Prenatal yoga is a wonderful way to connect with your body during pregnancy. It offers a range of benefits, including strength-building, flexibility improvement, and balance development. Additionally, practicing prenatal yoga can promote mental and physical relaxation, ease pregnancy symptoms, and create positive mental patterns. Let’s delve into the world of prenatal yoga, exploring its benefits and some safe poses for each trimester.

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older baby Rebecca Verlander older baby Rebecca Verlander

Successful Potty Training

Potty/ toilet training is a significant milestone in your child’s development. As a parent, understanding the process and being patient can make this transition smoother. Here are some essential tips and guidance to help you navigate potty training:

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pregnancy Rebecca Verlander pregnancy Rebecca Verlander

Pregnancy and Work: Balancing Career and Pregnancy

Navigating the intersection of pregnancy and work can be both exciting and challenging. As you prepare to welcome a new life, it’s essential to find a balance that allows you to thrive in your career while taking care of yourself and your growing baby. Here are some practical tips for achieving harmony between your professional life and the journey to motherhood:

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pregnancy Rebecca Verlander pregnancy Rebecca Verlander

Coping with Insomnia During Pregnancy

Sleep during pregnancy can be elusive due to a combination of physical discomfort, hormonal changes, and the anticipation (and sometimes anxiety) of becoming a new mother. In fact, it’s estimated that at least 50% of pregnant people suffer from insomnia. However, prioritising good sleep is essential for prenatal care. Let’s explore common sleep problems during pregnancy, discover the best sleeping positions, and learn how to improve sleep quality.

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